The original plan for baby number 4 was to be induced at 39 weeks on June 18th. I was hesitant because the 17th is baby number 3's birthday. I didin't know if I wanted sisters to have that close of birthdays. As I went to the doctor for the 37 week check (days before 38 weeks) he stripped membranes to see if baby could come on her own sooner. My husband was out of town as a leader of a camp through our church. The doctor had told me that with each baby deliveries can get quicker and quicker and usually happen twice as fast with each pregnancy. If that was the case, start to finish would've taken two hours. Since the camp was 3.5 hours away, we figured it would be best to have him come home, in case I went into labor, so he wouldn't miss the birth.

The couple days following the appointment came with some really strong contractions. On Saturday morning I had an appt to get my hair done. After the appt I thought my water was possibly leaking and I continued to have strong contractions. We decided to go get checked to be safe. We made it to the hospital around 7:00 Pm. We were monitored in triage for an hour, and I was progressed enough and having consistent enough contractions that they decided to keep us! I was so excited!

I was started on antibiotics and a low dose pitocin. Once I'd been on antibiotics for a few hours, I had my epidural and my water broken. I decided to try and take a short nap so that I would have more energy to push. I was woken up shortly after I fell asleep to a very strong contraction and a pressure super low and I knew I needed to be checked quickly. Sure enough, I went from a 5 to a 10 in about 30 minutes and it was time to push! After having some pretty rough deliveries the goal was to minimize tearing as much as possible. I trusted my doctor to do whatever to help that plan. After a full strength push, baby's head was out and we waited and took it slow. After a few more half strength and full strength push baby was born at 2:37AM just one hour after I received the epidural.

She was born at 38 weeks, weighed 6lbs 8oz, and was 19" long. Perfection! It was by far my easiest delivery and best recovery. We have enjoyed all of the angel snuggles and her older siblings are all smitten by our sweet Frances Afton!