I was not prepared for how different my body would feel after having my first baby. You get ready to go home with a cuddly newborn, but it is easy to look past essential supplies for caring for yourself as a mom. During labor many women experience vaginal tearing, episiotomies, c-sections, bruising, the list goes on. It can be painful to walk and do the simplest things like going to the bathroom.
With my four kids, I have found that these are my favorite must-haves to have for postpartum recovery. They really help you to heal so you can do your best as a mom.
1. Adult Diapers
I know you may laugh, but don’t knock it until you try it. As you lose blood after having your baby or continue to work on bladder control, adult diapers like Depends are one of the easiest ways to keep things clean. They require no washing, no unnecessary cleanup, and can just be put into the garbage. They are seriously a life saver and you should be out of them within a couple weeks! The size is usually true to your pants size.
2. Hospital Mesh Underwear & Pads
The hospital will supply you with mesh undies and pads. I would stock up on as many as you can before you go home! They are so breathable and gentle on your belly as you recover.
3. Tucks Cooling Pads
Image Source: Amazon
Tucks Cooling Pads provide so much cooling relief to sensitive areas. You should only need one container, but they work wonders on any pain or sensitivity you may experience.
4. Ice Pads
Image Source: Amazon
Do not be afraid of stocking up on as many as the hospital will give you of the vaginal ice pads. They are incredible! As your body is recovering, the ice pads provide a cooling relief and help the recovery to move along. Follow the guidelines on timing to make sure you don’t get frostbite.
If you did not receive ice packs from the hospital, you can either buy them here, or make your own at home. “Padsicles” are simply a little bit of aloe vera, squirted onto a pad and then frozen.
5. Stanley Cup
Image Source: Stanley
You know I love this cup, the hype is real. Staying hydrated is essential to help you feel better postpartum and this cup makes it so much easier. It keeps your water cold and can easily be moved from room to room as you tend to your newborn. This is my favorite way to stay hydrated!
*Watch the website for restocks, they sell out fast!
6. Nipple Cream
Image Source: Amazon
If you are breastfeeding or not, you may experience some sensitivity on your nipples as your hormones adjust. Motherlove Nipple Cream is an awesome way to provide relief and help you to recover. This cream is lanolin free and safe for baby, so you do not need to worry about wiping it off between breastfeeding.
7. Reusable Breast Pads
Image Source: Amazon
Be sure to use breast pads, they especially help to avoid potential stains from nipple cream and they are more gentle than your bra. You know we love bamboo fabric around here, and these washable pads are our favorite.
8. Stool Softener
Image Source: Amazon
Stool softener can be a complete lifesaver to help things pass after giving birth. This can prevent straining which is so helpful if you have any stitches from your birth.
9. Peri Bottle
Your hospital should supply this for you, but make sure you take it home! It is such a great way to ensure that you stay clean and helps to prevent irritation in sensitive areas. Peri bottles have so many uses and I always save mine (after washing it) for our favorite stain remover. Don’t be afraid to ask the hospital for another one, it is so nice to have one in each bathroom. You can also buy the Frida Mom peri bottle here.
10. Parker Baby Co. Diaper Caddy
Image Source: Parker Baby Co.
If you’ve been around for a while, you know of our love for this diaper caddy. Not only is the Parker Baby Co. Diaper Caddy perfect for storing your baby’s diapers and carrying them from room, but it is amazing for carrying the mama postpartum must-haves as well. We love storing breast pads, nipple cream, pumping supplies, and other items you may need in there.
Despite feeling like you went through a war zone, recovery gets better with each baby. Just do your best to listen to your body! With time you will feel more like yourself, and these postpartum recovery must-haves are our favorite way to make sure you take care of your body too.

You’ve got our postpartum essentials, now check out our favorite things for a new baby Our newborn gift bundle is the perfect set for every baby, with our knotted sleepers, cozy swaddles, and softest baby hats.